Herbert/Harry Kuhner was born in Vienna in 1935. He grew up in the United States and was educat-ed at Lawrenceville School and Columbia University. He has been a resident of Austria since 1963.
Among his publications are Nixe, a novel (Funk & Wagnalls, 1968), Broadsides & Prätfalls, poetry (The Menard Press, London 1976) and Austrian Poetry Today (Schocken Books, New York, 1985). New Editions of Hawks und Nightingales: Current Burgenland Croatian Poetry and Carinthian Slovenian Poetry have been com-pleted. His non-fiction novel Der Ausschluss (Memoirs of a 39er) appeared in 1988.
Im Sand Deiner Gedanken/ In the Sand of Your Thoughts poetry by Else Keren and Meine wahre Heimat / My True Homeland, poetry by Stella Rotenberg and Tamar Radzyner were published by Edition Mnemosyne/Alekto Verlag in 1997 and 1999 respectively.
Minki die Nazikatze und die menschliche Seite (Minki the Nazi Cat and the Human Side), prose,
Verlag der Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft. Kuhner is also the author of The Assembly-Line Prince
which is both in novel and drama form. His works and papers are archived by Boston University Library.
The Theodor Kramer Prize of 2014 was awarded to Herbert Kuhner, writer and translator.