18. The Guy is a Nutcase
The Guy is a Nutcase
Dr. Kraus presents his analysis in the Austria Presse Agentur:
“I have never done anything that could be considered injurious
to Herbert Kuhner It’s a pity that he sits at home with his fantasies.
There are reasons for that, but not real ones….
He Wants to Help!
He is in a different psychological situation. “I still hope I can help him.”
(APA 19/1/77)
And He’s Dangerous
During the battle of words, my courageous adversary stated before witnesses that he feared that the nutcase might gun him down at the Literary Society. (1)
Just call me Pistol-Packin’ Harry! Bang! Bang!
“’Harry, why don’t you forget all that gobbledygook!
We can’t play in the Major Leagues.
We’re just small potatoes
and might be able to play in the Minor Leagues.’
but he would simply not accept that appraisal…
“Dr. Wolfgang Kraus, Chief of the Austrian Literary Society
did not consider him to be an Austrian writer
nor accept his literary rank (which he did not have) and did not send him
to the International Poetry Festival in Adelaide, Australia.” (2)
– Peter Paul Wiplinger, poet
(My first book of poetry in translation was
Borders/Grenzen, a Holocaust cycle by Wiplinger,
I did not consider him to be “small potatoes.”
The Good Doctor Changes His Tune
“I am glad to inform you that I fully appreciate the literary merits your client Herr
Kuhner as a poet, and above all, as a translator of Austrian poetry.” (3)
* * * * * * * * *
(1) Sources: Kurt Klinger & Adolf Opel.
(2) Peter Paul Wiplinger, Schriftstellerbegegnungen,1960-2010, Kitab Verlag, Klagenfurt, 2010.
(3) 7/5/79